Lake Pointe Academy is an educational ministry operated by Lake Pointe Family Ministries of the Carolinas, Inc., a 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation. In operation since 2005, the academy is accredited by Cognia / SACS, a certified member of the National Association of University Model Schools, and a member of the American and South Carolina Associations of Christian Schools.
Physical address 117 Carolina Crossing Drive York, SC 29745
Postal box Post Office Box 2026 York, SC 29745
General e-mail Mailbox@LakePointeAcademy.ORG
Phone 803.631.5253 (LAKE)
Fax 803.631-5251
Financial support
Lake Pointe Family Ministries of the Carolinas, Inc. is a 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation.
Therefore, financial and in-kind support of Lake Pointe Academy is tax-deductible, according to the laws and provisions of the IRS.
Donations may be mailed to Lake Pointe Academy's secure postal box at PO Box 2026 York, SC 29745
Item Donation
Lake Pointe has continuous item donation needs and shares opportunities in which ministry partners may assist. Please see the Item Donation page for current opportunities.
Shopping/Retail Programs
Lake Pointe is currently enrolled in many several easy fundraising programs centered around every day retail purchases. Please see the Shopping/Retail Donation page for details on these programs.