Vision meeting 2017
February 22, 2017
After a classical medley prelude performed by the advanced strings ensemble, Vision Meeting 2017 provided current families a peek at the 2017-18 academic year. A sample includes:
Vision --
- The year focus verse is to "walk in a manner worthy of the Lord," from Colossians 1, Ephesians 4 and Philippians 1.
- The development of continuous improvement groups.
- Approval of academy's readiness package in the SACS / AdvancED accreditation process.
The three academic grade level supervisors related their divisions' emphases for the coming year.
- Refinement of academic relationship and duty-sharing between campus and home.
- Positive experience and results in the current year with further refinement of Creation Day organization in science, and review of middle school science materials.
- Refined Latin progression and improved junior high success skills studies.
- Introduction of AP Calculus and other pursuits for grades 11-12.
Student Life -- plans include continued summer events and deepening expansion into elementary grades.
Athletics and Arts -- Continued development will include expansion of arts opportunties.