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Thank you for your interest in Lake Pointe

We minister to families who love Jesus, where parents commit significant time and energy to be closely involved in their children's discipleship and academic education.


Important Admissions Notice

Those interested in the 2025-2026 school year please scroll down to see about our Discover LPA presentations in January.

Questions, e-mail or see FAQ's below.

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Admissions FAQ

For the 2025-2026 academic year, here are the dates for upcoming Discover LPA informational meetings:

  • Elementary Families (rising Kindergarten - 5th Grade)
    • January 29th 6:00pm; Wed.
    • February 12th 6:00pm; Wed.
    • February 13th 9:00am; Thu.
    • March 4th 9:00am; Tue.
    • March 4th 6:00pm; Tue.
    • April 2nd 6:00pm; Wed.
    • April 3rd 9:00am; Thu. 
  • Secondary families (rising 6th - 11th Grade)
    • January 29th at 7:15pm; Wed. 
    • February 12th 9:00am; Wed. 
    • February 12th 7:15pm; Wed.
    • March 4th 7:15pm; Tue. 
    • March 5th 9:00am; Wed. 
    • April 2nd 9:00am; Wed. 
    • April 2nd 7:15pm; Wed. 

 Email to be scheduled for a Discovery LPA meeting or join a contact list to have updates sent to you.


Attending a "Discover LPA" presentation is a family's mandatory first admissions step -- and a smart one!  

Learn foundational details, meet the people involved, and ask questions!  
  - General session: Philosophy, methods, and heart of LPA's unique, holistic program   

  - Break-out sessions by grade levels to share the logistics of parent-involved learning 

For success, the University Model requires all involved to be prepared, trained, and ready for the coming academic year. 

Experience has taught us that when families come late to the process, they are not ultimately served well and the students arrive at a disadvantage. The early summer registration cut-off helps to protect families by ensuring they receive essential support before starting later at the academy. We look forward to providing the same high level of care for your family at the proper time.

 In twenty years of operation, we have learned three important lessons about supporting a parent-involved University Model School.

1.    Lake Pointe operates with a high level of parent involvement and student engagement. The June application deadline allows families to comfortably complete the admissions process, to attend the various summer training sessions, and to finish the summer reading and math preparation.  

2.    Unless the staff dedicates the entire month of July to preparation, our enrolled families will not be fully served, and it is to those families that we owe our staff's best efforts and results.

3.    We are practicing being content. The Lord has brought us a quality crop of families this year, and we both rejoice and rest in that opportunity.

Our admissions representatives are willing to collect and to consider late enrollment exceptions, but exceptions are for exceptional cases. Our academy operates upon three pillars. The more a family has experience in each of these three pillars, the more likely an exception might be made.
1. Passionate yearning for discipleship through academic and related studies.
2. University Model experience, with its alternating day schedule and at-home, strong family support.
3. Experience with classical content and approaches.
Additionally, the family that is familiar with the academy's programs, bypassing the needs for training, the better the chance for exception.

If you feel your family warrants an exception review, please contact, to help us to understand your story.

For an overview of the complete admissions process, which is designed to help families make wise decisions, click here