Abundant life!
Under the academy's overall mission (see below), Lake Pointe supports a robust student life program, to support the relational and social sides of the students. The program is based upon the premise that students don't need more activities; they need more life in their activities!
A surprising student life mission
Lake Pointe's student life mission is simply the academy's mission, one and the same. Oftentimes, student activities are treated with different expectations, because... well, because, "it's activities, it's fun, and, well... just hanging out. You know."
Jesus enjoyed both life and people, but he did not exclude any areas of life when He said, "Follow me, and I'll make you fishers of men." The Gospels depict Jesus constantly interacting with others, socially, conversationally, and in service capacities, and He always sought to honor His Father God. Jesus allowed Himself to have such a good time, that the sour-faced Pharisees hounded Him, calling Jesus a "drunkard and a glutton." But Jesus sought to glorify God in all.
We shamelessly pursue good, clean fun!
We want to teach our students to connect in relationships, and to have such a good time, in God-honoring ways, that students would never want to slink into inappropriate or risque forms of amusement. It really doesn't matter what the culture allows, or even what other youth ministries are doing. Allowance in American culture is broad. Rather, the questions are, "what are we called to do?" and "how can we use our God-given creative abilities to live in that exciting range?"
We unapologetically cause students to work... so they can play!
Staff members and parents do provide mentoring, wise counsel, and modeling, but it is not the role of the adults to do all the planning, work, and follow-through for fully capable, emerging adults. LPA uses student life activities brainstorming, planning, and execution to teach young people how to lead, to serve, and (gasp!) how to work!
How Lake Pointe's mission applies to Student Life:
Partner with parents to lead students into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by educating (modeling and teaching students to relate in enjoyable ways that "live in the light") encouraging (allowing students to take risks and to learn by succeeding and failing in a relatively safe environment) and equipping them (building skills and discernment by causing students to lead and plan their own activities) in intentional excellence (a spirit of excellence serves the most people, does it well, and doesn't mire in complacency) from a Biblical worldview. (If God's Word is Truth, then we should follow, not letting our freedom be license to sin.)
Life and learning exist outside the classroom, too.
Extra-curricular and co-curricular activities add an important dimension to education and training. In the elementary grades, activities include socials, field trips, and academic events, along with fine arts performances and game days. Secondary students have a much greater variety of available opportunities, allowing these older students to plan, lead, and participate.