God created. He declared His Creation "good." He created man in His very image.
We then create, because our loving Father created us to create... good things.
It is art, for goodness sake!
The arts represent an important and essential element aspect of a Classical Christian education, as is evidenced by the millennia of art history in Western tradition. Therefore, the history of art and music is logically interwoven, along with church history, in the various historical periods studied in each grade level.
Throughout its history, Lake Pointe has encouraged students to appreciate the arts and to participate in their own expression. Opportunities include formal art and music class instruction, extra-curricular activities in visual arts, music, and drama, and audio-visual and video production teams. Please see those individual web pages.
Going for the glory
As in all expression, the fine arts are intended to bring glory to our Heavenly Father. As with athletics, the surrounding American culture often gives a very different and distorted message about glory -- who should receive it, and for which types of content and motives.
To offer beautiful, good, and God-glorifying artistic messages, students must be taught and encouraged to perform and to live life from a Christian perspective rather than man’s perspective. As in all things, Jesus is our model. Christ is to be the center of all our attention, both on and off the stage. We are to have His attitudes, His actions, and His mind set in every endeavor.